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Galaxy Zoo: zapojte svůj mozek do klasifikace galaxií online!

Nový projekt na rozdíl od SETI@home a podobných projektů vyžaduje aktivní zapojení uživatele. Některé věci přeci jen zvládne člověk lépe. Online projekt Galaxy Zoo dvou britských universit University of Oxford, the University of Portsmouth a americké Johns Hopkins University chce využít pro klasifikaci galaxií uživatele.
clipped from www.galaxyzoo.org
Welcome to Galaxy Zoo's view of the Universe. If you're here you should
already have seen the Tutorial, but feel free to go and remind
yourself. There's no need to agonise for too long over any one image, just
make your best guess in each case.

If you find something REALLY unusual or strange and it does not look like
anything in the how to get started section, then
drop us an email with the reference number.
Thanks to the amazing response to Galaxy Zoo, we're currently
experiencing heavy load. If you can't see any images, please check back
later. Thanks for your patience, and don't worry - there are plenty of
galaxies to go round.
galaxy to analyze
 blog it

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