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Producing Open Source Software

How to Run a Successful
Free Software

by Karl Fogel

Producing Open Source Software is a book about the human
side of open source development. It describes how successful
projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the
culture of free software. It is available in bookstores and from
the publisher (O'Reilly Media), or you can browse or download it here.

Help translate this book!

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ccLearn: Creative Commons pro vzdělávání

Nově vzniklá ccLearn je divizí Creative Commons zaměřenou na využití potenciálu Internetu k podpoře open learning a open educational resources (OER). Cílem je minimalizovat právní, technické i sociální bariéry pro sdílení a znovupoužití výukových materiálů. Mezinárodní projekt ccLearn podporuje The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation a spolupracuje s Open Educational Resources Program.

Štítky: , ,


Galaxy Zoo: zapojte svůj mozek do klasifikace galaxií online!

Nový projekt na rozdíl od SETI@home a podobných projektů vyžaduje aktivní zapojení uživatele. Některé věci přeci jen zvládne člověk lépe. Online projekt Galaxy Zoo dvou britských universit University of Oxford, the University of Portsmouth a americké Johns Hopkins University chce využít pro klasifikaci galaxií uživatele.
clipped from www.galaxyzoo.org
Welcome to Galaxy Zoo's view of the Universe. If you're here you should
already have seen the Tutorial, but feel free to go and remind
yourself. There's no need to agonise for too long over any one image, just
make your best guess in each case.

If you find something REALLY unusual or strange and it does not look like
anything in the how to get started section, then
drop us an email with the reference number.
Thanks to the amazing response to Galaxy Zoo, we're currently
experiencing heavy load. If you can't see any images, please check back
later. Thanks for your patience, and don't worry - there are plenty of
galaxies to go round.
galaxy to analyze
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Komu jebe?!

Bulvár má v okurkové sezóně další causu: Chinaski se brání cenzuře. Slovo jebe nesmí do etéru před 22 hodinou. Podle Lucie Vondráčkové vydavatelství Universal Music muselo připravit i speciální rádiovou úpravu tohoto singlu. Rádia si podle jejího blogspotu Chinaski porušují mediální zákon mají sama vybrat, zda-li budou hrát vypípanou verzi nebo originální: "Hrajeme verzi, která je v pořádku z hlediska mediálního zákona," uvedl Petr Vladyka z Evropy 2.

Jak to zpívali před více než třiceti lety? Běžím s hovnem proti plátnu...

Po sérii reality show evidentně v rádiích jebe, zřejmě stejně jako mediálním radám a showbiz sračkařům.


wikiHow aneb vědět jak

Návody na všechno možné od politury na nábytek po OpenColu...
clipped from www.wikihow.com

wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the
world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. With your
, we can create a free resource that helps millions of
by offering solutions to the problems of everyday life.
wikiHow currently contains 21,594 articles written, edited, and
maintained primarily by volunteers. Please join us by writing on a topic
not yet covered
, or editing a page that
someone else has started.

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E-Mail, Forums, IM, Miniblogging - jde ve všem o totéž?

The launch of Pownce and the big response it received from bloggers and users alike was so full of different explanations and definitions of this new tool that it’s safe to say that no one actually knows what it is.

This is a classic case of forest obscuring the proverbial trees. Let’s take a step back and look what these services do and what are their main characteristics. They’re obviously all about communication. This communication can be:

1) one to one
2) one to many
3) many to many

Furthermore, it can happen in:

a) real time
b) with a delay

And finally, it can be:

x) permanent (which means the same conversation can always be found)
y) temporary (which means that although the contents of the communication might be logged, it’s not directly reachable in a fixed place)

By this categorization, instant messaging would be 1ay; e-mail is 1bx, but it can also be 2bx or 3bx, while blogs and all its varieties - tumblelogs, miniblogs - pretty much fall into the 2bx category.

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Geni.com: rodokmen online má po 5 měsících již 5 milionů záznamů

Zkuste si to:

clipped from www.prweb.com

Los Angeles, Calif. (PRWEB) July 2, 2007 -- Geni (www.geni.com), the social network that connects users by their genealogy, today announced that it has acquired over 5 million profiles since launching in mid-January just 5 months ago.

On Geni.com, families work together to build their family trees and create profiles for the people in those trees. The site is unique among social networks in that users can create profiles for each other. This allows relatives to create profiles for deceased ancestors and parents to create and maintain profiles for their children.

Our goal is to unite the world in a single family tree, and then help those family members learn about and stay in touch with each other

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The Blogging Revolution: Government in the Age of Web 2.0

Zajímavá studie Davida C. Wylda je k dispozici v PDF ke stažení na IBM Center for The he Business of Government.

Cituji z úvodu:

Steven Clift (2006) of Publicus.net summed up the paradox of participation for governments at all levels around the world: "Overall, our parliaments and city councils have approved billions for technology investments for government administration but very little that will help them connect with and better represent citizens" (n.p.). The changes occurring in online citizen participation in government, whether referred to as Democracy 2.0, Citizenship 2.0, or Governance 2.0, are very real. It is ironic that such low-cost or free Web 2.0 tools and forums can have so much impact on improving communications and the workings of government. Likewise, building on the concepts of Graf and Darr (2004), we have early evidence that online "influentials" are more active in both online and "real world" politics and governmentaffairs. Thus, we may be at the cusp of seeing a "benevolent" and much more interactive circle of engagement and participation.

Srovnání 14 personalizovaných úvodních stránek

clipped from mashable.com
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Analytics Toolbox: více než padesát nástrojů na analýzu provozu...

clipped from mashable.com

From analyzing your RSS feed to counting page views to visual representations of where your visitors are clicking, there is no shortage of companies looking to help you better understand your web site’s traffic. In our latest “toolbox” installment, we analyze (pun intended) the wide variety of applications and tools available for keeping tabs on how your sites, feeds, blogs, emails, or even your intranet is performing.

As with our other toolbox articles, we encourage you to add other applicable links in the comments area.

ClickTracks - Enterprise analytics software, shows visitor navigation directly on your site’s pages.

Crazy Egg - Provides visual “Heat Maps” to show where your visitors are clicking.

Indextools - Provides web-based analytics package featuring real-time reporting. The Path Explorer feature provides a visual overlay of how users are behaving on your site.

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Learn by writing

Zajímavý pohled na blogování...
clipped from www.z-oc.com

I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with informative blogs. Those that doesn’t have original content and just collect things around the web. In fact, I do read regularly a couple of them.

But I do think that a blogger who doesn’t put thoughts and feelings on his blog is missing a huge chance to learn.

I can’t but feel honored that Anna taged me to the “5 blogs that make me think” blog meme.

I guess I have to start with Chris Garret. When I heard of the famous problogger talking about problogging I thought “How good can this be?”. But I gave it a try, and is one of the most interesting reads I’m having lately.

Then, I guess it would be Robert Nyman. He runs a blog that is mostly about web development, but subjects arise alongside that make it always much more friendly than strict work.

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